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What time are the Sunday worship services?

Services at the First Presbyterian Church are:


  • 9:00AM Sunday School for all ages. 


  • 10:00AM Worship Service. 


  • Childcare available each Sunday 8:45AM-11:15AM

for Pre-K and Kindergarten-aged children.



What denomination is FPC Freehold?

Our church is part of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), which has approximately 2.3 million members, more than 10,000 congregations and 14,000 ordained and active ministers.


Presbyterians trace their history to the 16th century and the Protestant Reformation. Our heritage, and much of what we believe, began with John Calvin (1509-1564), whose writings crystallized much of the Reformed thinking that came before him.



What is the meaning behind the Seal of the Presbyterian Church?

The seal of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a symbolic statement of the church's heritage, identity, and mission in contemporary form. Its power depends on both its simplicity and complexity, as well as its traditional and enduring qualities.


Cross: the incarnate love of God in Jesus Christ and his passion and resurrection.


Bible: emphasis placed on the role of Scripture as a means of knowing God's word.


Dove: affirming the role of the Spirit in inspiring Scripture and symbolizing peace.


Fish: the early symbol for Christ for those who hunger.


Lectern: the importance of preaching in the history of Presbyterian worship.


Flames: the beginning of the church at Pentecost and a reminder of when God spoke to Moses from the burning bush.


Triangle: the concern for balance and order in the Presbyterian government.


Chalice: reminder of communion and the blood that Christ shed for us.


Baptismal Font: the importance of Baptism.

What is the meaning behind the Seal of the Presbyterian Church?

The seal of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a symbolic statement of the church's heritage, identity, and mission in contemporary form. Its power depends on both its simplicity and complexity, as well as its traditional and enduring qualities.


Cross: the incarnate love of God in Jesus Christ and his passion and resurrection.


Bible: emphasis placed on the role of Scripture as a means of knowing God's word.


Dove: affirming the role of the Spirit in inspiring Scripture and symbolizing peace.


Fish: the early symbol for Christ for those who hunger.


Lectern: the importance of preaching in the history of Presbyterian worship.


Flames: the beginning of the church at Pentecost and a reminder of when God spoke to Moses from the burning bush.


Triangle: the concern for balance and order in the Presbyterian government.


Chalice: reminder of communion and the blood that Christ shed for us.


Baptismal Font: the importance of Baptism.

How long are the worship services?

Services last approximately one hour per week, every Sunday at 10:00am.

When is communion available?

Communion is available on the first Sunday of the month. Elders and deacons bring the bread and juice to the congregation, sitting in the pews. Gluten free wafers are available. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, including baptized children, may partake in communion when it is served in our church.

What characterizes our church on this corner of Freehold?

We are a welcoming congregation of disciples of Jesus Christ. We enthusiastically embrace Christ and each other. We actively celebrate God’s love for all of us and seek to serve God by sharing our faith and helping others to grow in Christ’s love.

What is the purpose of our Ministry "Growing in Christ's Love"?

  • Offer meaningful Biblically based worship.


  • Introduce persons to Jesus Christ and nurture them in faith through a strong church school program for all ages, small group bible studies, Church retreats, etc.


  • Reach out to those in physical and spiritual need, offering love, hope, and fellowship: through hands-on mission projects.


  • Share our faith in Christ with others through planned outreach.


  • Care for and encourage one another by equipping people to use their gifts and skills in the ministry of the church, providing fellowship and praying for one another.

What do we mean by "Disciple"?

A disciple of Jesus Christ is a person who, having accepted Christ as Lord and Savior and with the guidance of

the Holy Spirit, is committed to being a fully devoted follower of Jesus by:


  • Growing in a personal relationship with God through prayer, study, and living in obedience to God’s will.


  • Worshipping regularly with other Christians.


  • Participating in the Christian community.


  • Ministering through care and service to both Christians and non-Christians through the development and use of spiritual gifts.


  • Being a faithful steward of God’s gifts of time, talent, and money.


  • Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those who do not yet believe.

Do You Have Wedding Applications?

To view our preparation tips, click here.


Click here to access our application form.

What About Baptism Applications?

To view our preparation tips, click here.


Click here to access our application form.

First Presbyterian Church of Freehold



118 West Main Street

Freehold, NJ 07728

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